Upcoming Conferences
WORKSHOPS (Thursday, August 8, 2019)
Thursday Morning Workshops.
SESSSION ONE (9:00 - 10:00 AM)
A. Kentucky Foods: Northern & Eastern areas
Kathy Byrnes, Kenton County Food & Consumer Science Agent
Learn about
-- German Goetta, Eastern Kentucky Cornbread
-- the cultural transition from Eastern Appalachia area to Northern Kentucky and Cincinnati, Ohio
and its influence on the economy of these areas.
-- historical hog butchering
-- foods that have become our area's staples,
B. The Unlimited Power of Unifying Purpose
John Mark Hack, Governor’s Office of Agriculture Policy (GOAP)
John Mark will tell of the struggles and cooperation that transformed Kentucky’s Agriculture from a tobacco economy.
He is a student of the Kettering Foundation which is continuously asking, “What does it take to make democracy
work as it should?”
C. Cumberland Gap History told by the Art of Photography
Harold Jerrell, Photographer & Retired Agriculture Agent from Virginia
Travel the Cumberland Gap through the photography of Jerrell. Photography tips shared.
SESSION TWO (10:30 - 11:30 AM)
A. "Down Home Cooking"
Julie Hook
Learn about
-- the foods of Western & Southern Kentucky that have proven to be staples for building health.
-- how to prepare and enjoy to ensure energy for hard work.
-- "unique" dishes prepared with love that supports family life and how the "uniqueness" in preparation
labels them "Down Home Cooking".
B. Empowering Women across the World with Partnerships
Design, materials, and sewing are promoted across the world as a cooperative enterprise between the USA and
other countries. These projects empower women toward self-sufficiency, making an economic impact in their
country, as well as assisting their children to attend schools. Programs to be discussed include:
-- the Ghana, Africa project and
-- the Kentucky Extension Homemakers Association project in the Philippines
both supported by the University Of Kentucky College of Agriculture, Food and Environment (CAFE).
C. Linking Hands Around the World
Learn how the MANNRS (Minorities in Agriculture, National Resources and Related Sciences) organization
works with members of ethnic and cultural groups to expand connections in the world.