
News & Events

RFD Today Interview with Carolyn Hansen

July 28, 2023 

RFD Radio's Jim Taylor interviewed Carolyn Hansen, IFYE Interim Executive Director, during the July 13, 2023 edition of RFD Today. In the interview, Carolyn covered all aspects of the foreign exchange program, to include the history of IFYE, her involvement with the 75 year old premier cultural exchange program for young adults, the current IFYE participants and their host countries, the upcoming 75th anniversary celebration, connection to 4-H and more.

Click the yellow/white play button to listen to RFD Today's entire July 13th podcast. If you'd like to skip straight to Carolyn's interview, move your cursor over the podcast timeline at the bottom to advance the player to the 34:00 minute mark. You'll notice that the timeline changes to yellow to indicate where you're at in the timeline while the counter displays the minute. When you reach the 34:00 minute marker, click your mouse to start playing the podcast.