Destinations List

About Slovenia
Slovenia, officially the Republic of Slovenia, is a small country in Central Europe, but contains within its borders: Alpine mountains, thick forests, historic cities, and a short Adriatic coastline. It is bordered by Italy, Austria, Hungary, Croatia, and the Adriatic Sea. Slovenia is mostly mountainous and forested and has a population of 2.1 million. The capital and largest city—Ljubljana—is nearly in the center of the country.
During World War II, Slovenia was the only present-day European nation that was divided and completely annexed into both Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. Slovenia became part of Yugoslavia following the end of the war but obtained independence in 1991. In December 1991, a new constitution was adopted, The members of the European Union recognized Slovenia as an independent state on 15 January 1992, and the United Nations accepted it as a member on 22 May 1992.
The main crops are maize, wheat, potatoes, fruits, vegetables, and hops. Slovenia’s agriculture is mainly comprised of small farms with 84% of holdings having land under 10 hectares (25 Acres). Most of the utilized agricultural area (UAA) is in the east of the country. Of Slovenia’s exports, only 5% is agricultural. Most of the agricultural exports go to EU countries, mainly Germany and Italy.
What to Expect:
IFYEs will stay with rural-based host families across the country taking part in their everyday life and witness the characteristics of Slovenia's different regions. Despite its small size, the country has much to offer, and we want to share our culture with incoming participants, says Julija Kordez, Head of International Cooperation at ZSPM. ZSPM is “Zveza Slovenske Podezelske Mladine" (Slovenia: Alliance Slovenian Rural Youth).

Program Information:Applications for the 2025 program can be found here: IFYE Outbound Application Process Application Deadline: May 1, 2025 For additional information, please contact: Traci Ross Sherlock, Interim National Program Director |