
Foreign Exchange Program

UK to USA - Alice Giles


Alice Giles of Devon, England feeds a lamb at the Peterson farm

Alice Giles of Devon, England feeds a lamb at the Peterson farm during her stay. Giles is visiting Nebraska farms through tie IFYE program and is staying with Tom and Paula Peterson through Sept. 6. (Staff Photo by Peggy Brown)

English visitor receives agriculture lessons at Waverly farm

Peggy Brown | August 31, 2016 | Updated Jul 1, 2020

WAVERLY – A young lady from Devon, England is spending the next several weeks with Tom and Paula Peterson of rural Waverly.

Alice Giles is taking part in the IFYE program, a program that brings guests from other countries into homes to learn about their culture.

In Giles’ case, it’s all about agriculture.

This is her first trip to the United States, and for the past few months she has spent up to six weeks with families soaking up farm life. Before moving to the Peterson farm, Giles was with families in David City and Curtis

Giles, who works for a children’s charity, is a farm girl and learned about the program though the Federation of Young Farmers in England and Wales.

“I decided to apply for the trip, and, with research, asked to be sent to Nebraska as I wanted to learn about your agriculture,” she said. “My family has a farm where we raise beef and sheep, so my father is hoping that what I learn will be useful when I get home. I did learn how to drive a tractor, which is what he wanted.”

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