
Foreign Exchange Program

Memorandums of Agreement Signed with African Countries

Melissa Haberstroh, IFYE National Program Director traveled to Zambia and Tanzania in August to officially kick-off the new IFYE programs in those countries. Aside from the opportunity to meet the country coordinators, discuss program details, and visit the families that our IFYEs would later become a part of, it was an opportunity to officially sign the memorandums of agreement for each country.

Despite having programs in many African countries over the years, Tanzania has only hosted one IFYE Representative, Larry Fritzler, in 2012. Between 1970 and 1984 the United States sent seven IFYE Representatives to Zambia and between 1967 and 1978 seventeen IFYEs to Kenya.

This year, five IFYEs are being hosted in Africa: Tori Rasmussen (SD) and Kyle Newland (OH) in Tanzania; Abby Schmidt (MO) and Meghan O’Reilly (OH) in Zambia, as well as Nora Larson (ND) in Kenya. IFYEs arrived in their African host countries on September 17, 2023 and will return to the U.S. in mid-December for debriefing.

Note: Racheal, Dr. Phiri, and Gertrude are also host families.


*Zambia Partners from left to right: Racheal Mwansa, Head of Department for Practical Subjects at St. Mary’s Secondary School; Dr. Anne Phiri, Lecturer at Rockview University, Lusaka; Melissa Haberstroh, IFYE National Program Director; Gertrude Mahachi, IFYE Country Coordinator and Acting Head of the Department for Practical Subjects at Ministry of General Education; and Professor Hosea Lumpambo Chishala, Vice Chancellor of Rockview University, Lusaka. 

**Tanzania Group from left to right: Gilbert Meleck, IFYE Country Coordinator and Secretary, Volunteer Plus; Ndeenga “Sandy” Shamata, Program Manager at Volunteer Plus; Heavenlight Temu, Chairperson at Volunteer Plus; and Melissa Haberstroh, IFYE National Program Director.  Not pictured is IFYE Country Coordinator and President of Volunteer Plus, Godlove Lekule.