
Foreign Exchange Program

Michigan’s 2022 IFYE Exchange Delegates
Part 1


April 6, 2023 - Author: Janis Brinn, Michigan State University Extension
Adapted from original article approved by Janis Brinn for viewing on IFYE.

IFYE Delegate Carly Claucherty - Germany

IFYE delegate Carly Claucherty in Birkweiler, Germany pictured in a wine laboratory testing the acidity of wine and juice samples from local winemakers.

In the Michigan State University Extension news article, “Do you want to visit another country? Consider the IFYE Exchange,” the IFYE Association of the USA, Inc. is explained. The article closes by stating: “Watch for future MSU Extension news articles on the experience’s that they had and new knowledge to be shared.” The Michigan IFYE “Peace through Understanding” international exchange program for young adults had three delegates travel abroad in 2022. As promised in the initial IFYE article, this news article series will include participant stories as they reflect upon their international cultural experience. This is the first article in the series.

Part 1
Michigan IFYE delegate and Michigan State University graduate Carly Claucherty shared her story traveling to Germany:

"While in Germany, I had the opportunity to try so many new things. My IFYE journey began in a small, German wine village where I stayed with a family that owned a laboratory, which provides the local winemakers with testing so they can produce the most high-quality wines. As part of the German wine route, Birkweiler is quite a tourist destination despite boasting a population of just 700 residents.

"While there, I was able to learn about winemaking, hand-harvest Riesling grapes with a local winemaker’s crew, and then test it in the lab. It was quite the challenge to learn how to use the machines and computer program for the testing when everything was in German! But through patient communication with my host family, I quickly became a part of the team.

IFYE Delegate Carly Claucherty - Germany

IFYE delegate to Germany, Carly Claucherty, had the chance to hand-harvest apples and make fresh apple cider with her host family near Frankfurt.

"Next, I stayed with a family who had planned tours of a water treatment plant as well as a biogas facility. It was awesome to see the focus on clean energy too, as both facilities had solar panels which produced most of their energy needs! I also hand-harvested apples and pressed them the same day to make apple cider fresh from their garden and explored Frankfurt nearby.

"My third host family raised corn and wheat and finished about 8,000-10,000 hogs each year. While there, I got to ride around in the buddy seat of the tractor (a John Deere!) talking with the farmer about his management decisions, and the challenges he faces on his farm. I think similar to here in Michigan, he was worried about governmental regulations when it comes to environmentally conscious policies, and eventually how to pass on the farm to the next generation. The original house on the property is still lived in by the grandparents of the family, and it was built in 1813!

"Finally, my last stop was a 100 head dairy farm up on a hill in Weilmünster. I got to experience milking cows at 6:30 a.m. and 5 p.m., each day during my three-week stay. It was hard work! But it was so rewarding when we could bring in fresh milk from the tank, heat it up on the stove, and have it in our coffee or cocoa with our German bread for breakfast! There were also three generations on the farm, with the youngest being a one-year-old who absolutely loves having the calves suck on her hands.

"Some of the fun memories I will always cherish are hiking to castles, going to watch one of my host sibling’s soccer games each weekend, celebrating Halloween at Burg Frankenstein and visiting the many Christmas markets!

"Overall, I gained such an appreciation for the different ways that people live their lives. I think it’s so important to step outside of your own bubble and see the world from a different perspective. It really reminds you that things don’t need to be done a certain way, just because “that’s the way we do it” and that different doesn’t mean wrong. I would recommend this opportunity to someone wanting to experience another part of the world, gain a different perspective on agriculture, and is up for the challenge of adapting to another culture for a few months!”

IFYE Delegate Carly Claucherty

IFYE delegate to Germany, Carly Claucherty, pictured on a weekend visit to Madenburg Castle with her host family, as well as Illinois IFYE, Phillip Wessel (far right), who was also staying in the same village.

Michigan was excited to have three 2022 USA, Inc. IFYE Outbound Program delegates! Look for Part 2 in this series featuring another Michigan IFYE shared story. We look forward to Michigan delegates participating in this wonderful opportunity in 2023.