
Foreign Exchange Program


Kyle Newland

IFYE 2023 Outbound Kyle Newland

IFYE 2023 Outbound Kyle Newland

Ohio to Finland (Summer) and Tanzania (Fall)

Current Status/Future Goals:

  • Seek a college degree in agriculture or nursing.
  • Expand the family farm.
  • Give back to 4-H groups.

Previous International Experience(s): 

  • Family has hosted IFYEs from Germany, Finland, and Switzerland.
  • Traveled to Costa Rica with Spanish Class.

Ag-Related Experience(s):

  • Family farm raising Columbia sheep, ducks, chickens, and goats.

Other Experience(s): 

  • 4-H member and camp counselor for multiple years.
  • Spanish club founder and member.


  • Reading, music, games
  • Boating, nature, spending time with animals
  • Hanging out with friends

Click the video play button below to listen to Kyle, an IFYE 2023 Outbound and 3rd generation IFYE, as he describes his background, involvement in 4-H, the countries he's traveling to as well as what he hopes to see or accomplish during his adventure.

Return to the main page to meet the other IFYE 2023 Outbounds.