
Destinations List



Luxembourg Skyline, Church and Castle
Luxembourg Map & Flag

About Luxembourg 

The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg is a small multilingual and multicultural country in the heart of Europe bordering Germany, France, and Belgium.  The entire country is less than 1,000 square miles, about the same size as the state of Rhode Island.

Luxembourg has nearly 576,000 residents of whom 46.7% are foreigners of more than 170 nationalities. Luxembourg City is one of the three capitols of the European Union and constitutes a strong financial center with most of the country's modern industry within banking and finance. 

Learn more about Luxembourg by visiting a recommended great website resource.

What to Expect: 
IFYEs will stay with host families across the country so that they may take part in their everyday life and witness the characteristics of Luxembourg's different regions. Despite its small size, the country has a lot to offer and we want to share our culture with incoming participants, says Carole Muller, Secretary of IFYE Luxembourg.

Courtney, a 2015 IFYE, says, "While living in Luxembourg as an IFYE, I was treated like a distant relative who had been away for years. A lot of time was spent socializing, mostly around a table filled with family, friends, food and drink. Many parties were hosted in my honor and the small communities seemed very excited about having an IFYE. Besides experiencing everyday life, I was also shown various attractions and surrounding areas to get a better idea of the culture as a whole. A Luxembourgish motto is 'We work hard like the Germans and enjoy life like the French.' "

2016 IFYE Taylor indicates, "I’m learning that the beauty of the IFYE program is the opportunity it gives you to make connections that dig deeper than the superficial level you would get by simply traveling around a country as a tourist. You arrive in a country not knowing a single person and, in a matter of weeks, you have a community of family and friends supporting you."

IFYEs at Work and Play

Luxembourg Market and Agriculture